Monday, June 29, 2009

Final Showcase

While the showcase was taking place, i chaperoned parents and new students from the Exhibition building to Salt. It was a very hard job due to the fact i took single parents up, instead of taking them in a group. However i thoroughly enjoyed the evening as after i finished chaperoning i sat down and looked at students work. I also finished my evening off with playing games, which the games student brought in.

The night was good and fun, we had numerous amount of parents to look at what we had produced.

Rob and I chaperoned, where as sohail, faraz and sajid took pictures of the event, and also recorded footages.
Becky showed the parents and new students the infra-structure that she builded of the digital showcase.
Rob spoke to students and parents about the course and what the course will consist.

We had 2 rooms where everything was spreaded out between media students and games development students. One rooms we had displayes of student work, presentation, moodboards, portfolio and banners.

Whereas in the other room they had TV screens, computers displaying work, portfolios, trailers that they created on 3D Max and their games consoles.

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
